Natti natt :*
men innan jag går och lägger mig måste jag tipsa om denna underbara låten som faktiskt är en parody :)
Den är så sjukt bra älskar den
Det är en tjej som heter BrittaniLouiseTaylor på youtube som gör parodier ´på olika låtar men denna är min absoluta favorit. den heter "Everything is gonna be okay" men det är inte BrittaniLouiseTaylor som sjunger utan en annan tjej som jag har tappat namnet på :P
Här är iaf låten
och lyricsen:
I watched my dad walk out the door,
Shattering my world behind,
I knew Id never see him again,
And it hurt so much inside,
Yelled at the sky,
Why is it this way?
look at myself I just cant get straight,
My life is so hazy,
I even lost my baby,
My soul is yearning and I just need to change,
Too many chances and I blew it,
So hungry and I have no one,
And I just keep hanging on,
And I just keep hanging on,
And I just keep hanging on,
Never gonna give up,
I live my life,
Feel better each and every day,
Im not gonna quit so there
Sick of this Shhht so there
Never gonna give up,
I live my life,
Feel better each and every day,
Everythings gonna be okay,
Everythings gonna be okay
In my tub I just want to end,
All I really feel is pain,
My life is crap I got nothing to lose,
And everything to gain,
So alone no one even sees me,
No job to free the debts I achieved,
Just feel like Im losing,
My heart just keeps on bruising,
My futures blurring and I gotta think quickly,
Why now he doesnt deserve this,
I am gonna go crazy soon,
And I just keep hanging on,
Please keep hanging on,
Please keep hanging on,
Never gonna give up,
I live my life,
Feel better each and every day,
Im not gonna quit so there
Sick of this Shhht so there
Never gonna give up,
I live my life,
Feel better each and every day,
Everythings gonna be okay,
Everythings gonna be okay
Even if u wanna cry,
Gonna be better just take the ride,
Something tells me youll be fine,
The strength inside you is gonna shine!
Never gonna give up,
I live my life,
Feel better each and every day,
Im not gonna quit so there
Sick of this Shhht so there
Never gonna give up,
I live my life,
Feel better each and every day,
Everythings gonna be okay,
Everythings gonna be okay
Never gonna give up,
I live my life,
Feel better each and every day,
Im not gonna quit so there
Sick of this Shhht so there
Never gonna give up,
I live my life,
Feel better each and every day,
Everythings gonna be okay,
Everythings gonna be okay.
och här är den officiella låten - Miley Cyrus låt Party in the USA, gillar faktiskt den andra mer än orginalet ^^
och här är lyricsen till den låten:
I hopped off the plane at LAX with a a dream and a cardigan
Welcome to the land of fame excess am i gonna fit in
Jumped in the cab, here I am for the first time
Look to my right and I see the Hollywood sign
This is all so crazy, everybody seems so famous
My tummys turnin and Im feelin kinda homesick
Too much pressure and Im nervous
Thats when the taxi man turned on the radio
And the Jay-Z song was on
And the Jay-Z song was on
And the Jay-Z song was on
So I put my hands up, theyre playin my song
The butterflies fly away, Im noddin my head like Yeah!
Movin my hips like Yeah!
Got my hands up, theyre playin my song
They know Im gonna be okay
Yeah! Its a party in the USA!
Yeah! Its a party in the USA!
Get to the club in my taxi cab, everybodys lookin at me now
Like Whos that chick thats rockin kicks, shes gotta be from outta town
So hard with my girls not around me
Its definitely not a Nashville party cause all I see is stilettos
I guess I never got the memo
My tummys turnin and Im feelin kinda homesick
Too much pressure and Im nervous
Thats when the DJ dropped my favorite tune
And the Britney song was on
And the Britney song was on
And the Britney song was on
So I put my hands up, theyre playin my song
The butterflies fly away, Im noddin my head like Yeah!
Movin my hips like Yeah!
Got my hands up, theyre playin my song
They know Im gonna be okay
Yeah! Its a party in the USA!
Yeah! Its a party in the USA!
Feel like hoppin on a flight (on a flight)
Back to my hometown tonight (town tonight)
Something stops me everytime (everytime)
The DJ plays my song and I feel alright
So I put my hands up, theyre playin my song
The butterflies fly away, Im noddin my head like Yeah!
Movin my hips like Yeah!
Got my hands up, theyre playin my song
They know Im gonna be okay
Yeah! Its a party in the USA!
Yeah! Its a party in the USA!
So I put my hands up, theyre playin my song
The butterflies fly away, Im noddin my head like Yeah!
Movin my hips like Yeah!
Got my hands up, theyre playin my song
They know Im gonna be okay
Yeah! Its a party in the USA!
Yeah! Its a party in the USA!
BTW jag har inte kollat om lyricsen e helt rätt hoppas på att dem som har skrivit dem har gjort rätt ^^

Hana Pestle <3

Har ni någon gång hört talas om Hana Pestle?
Hon är en underbar sångare och har en sån otroligt vacker röst att det inte är sant. Jag älskar henne
Hon har en egen myspace och youtube
Gå verkligen in och lyssna
Need är min absoluta favorit och dem har försökt få den till New moon, men det verkar inte som det kommer bli av nu när vi närmar oss release datumet av soundtracket - är inte helt säker vilket datum det är men tror de e någon gång i Oktober, alltså i USA då, vi här i Sverige är så sena tycker jag men de finns ju alltid amazon som man kan köpa den på visserligen ^^
Iaf här har ni videon och lyricsen till :)
I'm not quite sure how to breathe
Without you here
I'm not quite sure if I'm ready to say goodbye
To all we were
Be with me
Stay with me
Just for now
Let the time decide when I won't need you
My hand searches for your hand
In a dark room
I can't find you
Help me
Are you looking for me?
Can I feel any more?
Lie to me, I'm fading
I can't drop you
Tell me I don't need you
My hand searches for your hand
In a dark room
I can't find you
Help me
Are you looking for me?
Fetch this into my brain for me
Tell me how it's supposed to be
Where everything will go
And how I'll be without you by my side
My hand searches for your hand
In a dark room
I can't find you
Help me
Are you looking for me?
My hand searches for your hand
In a dark room
I can't find you
Help me
Are you looking for me?
§ Ebba